Jul 22, 2011

tart & sour summer...

I found this recipe a while back in Self magazine (know that magazine with a ridiculously photoshopped lady in a bikini on the cover?) These lemony snacks actually taste like lemons surprise surprise- not artificial like those ones from a Betty Crocker box. I tend to add more lemon than needed..just because its just so delightfully tart and perfect. The crust especially is my favorite because i confess to be a huge nut lover- *in a very sophisticated voice* they contain many beneficial oils in them which is vital to our body's wellbeing (my health tip for the day).

Whisk away my lil' bluberries, whisk away (:


1/2 c almonds
1/2 c whole wheat flour
1/4 c powdered sugar

1/4 tsp salt
4 tbs butter cut into 8 chunks

put all these into the food processor and add butter last. mix up till you get a nice chunky mix.
place onto 9x9 buttered pan, bake at 325 for 22-24 mins.

lemony goodness:

1 c sugar
2 eggs
2 lemons
2 limes
1/4 salt
1/4 c flour

combine sugar, salt, flour, zest lemons and limes. juice all lemons and limes into mix. add eggs and stir it up (:
pour mix onto baked shortbread, bake for 25-30 mins or till center is set.
let cool- sift some powdered sugar on top. VOILA!

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